Excel to Python: EXP Function - A Complete Guide | Mito
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How to Use Excel's EXP Function in Pandas

Excel's EXP function calculates the exponential of a given number, using the constant 'e' as the base. This function plays a vital role in various fields such as finance, engineering, and statistics.

This page explains how to use Excel's EXP function in Python using pandas.

The EXP function in Excel takes a single argument and returns 'e' raised to the power of that number.


EXP Excel Syntax

ParameterDescriptionData Type
numberThe exponent to which the constant 'e' is raised.number


=EXP(1)Calculate the exponential of 1.2.71828182845905
=EXP(0)Calculate the exponential of 0.1

To replicate the EXP function in Excel using Python and pandas, here are some common implementations:

To calculate the exponential of a single number in Excel, you would use the formula =EXP(number).

In pandas, you can use the numpy library's exp function to accomplish the same task

import numpy as np
result = np.exp(2)

To calculate the exponential of an entire column in Excel, you would drag the EXP formula, =EXP(A1) dragged down the entire column.

In pandas, apply the numpy exp function to the whole column:

df['Exponential'] = np.exp(df['number'])

While using the EXP function in pandas, certain mistakes are commonly made. Here are some and how to rectify them.

It's easy to confuse the natural logarithm (base 'e') with the logarithm base 10. Remember that np.exp uses base e, not base 10.

Don't re-invent the wheel. Use Excel formulas in Python.

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